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rural life

Country Road with Sunset

It happened on graduation night after the ceremony was over.

Doug Duren at his land in the Driftless Region

Living and working on a fourth-generation farm in the Driftless area, Doug Duren's passion for the land has made him one of the most influential conservationists in Wisconsin, and beyond.

Photo of Jason A. Smith

Do our rural communities have a say in the decisions that affect them?

Craig Blietz, Lupulus (detail)

Solo exhibitions by Craig Blietz (Sister Bay) and S.V. Medaris (Mount Horeb).

A panel discussion with three leaders in Wisconsin’s downtowns explores how the arts are making a difference for their communities.

Valerie Mangion: "Giraffe Deer," 2015. 12 x 16 inches. Oil on panel.

My Night Vision series evolved out of a strong desire to learn more about the wild creatures that share my 58-acre farm.

John Craig (detail)

John Craig's prints explore perception, history and narrative. Valerie Mangion's paintings explore the nocturnal life of animals.

An interview with Rafael Francisco Salas about his 2015 exhibition Wasted Days & Wasted Nights.

A stellar group of historians, artists, and poets offered insights into Vanderbilt's pioneering work with visual materials this fall

Michael Perry is upset. The county highway commission wants to reconfigure the patch of road near his house, making it impossible for cars to climb the hill to his home in the winter.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25