Wisconsin Academy Fellows Award | wisconsinacademy.org
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Wisconsin Academy Fellows Award

Since 1982, the Wisconsin Academy Fellows Award recognizes educators, researchers, mentors, artists, and civic or business leaders from across Wisconsin who have made substantial contributions to the cultural life and welfare of our state and its people.

2024 Fellows Award Press Release

The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters is proud to announce our 2024 Academy Fellows Awards, recognizing outstanding Wisconsinites who have shown extraordinary levels of accomplishment in their careers, as well as a lifelong commitment to intellectual discourse and public service. The honorees will receive their awards at a ceremony in September of 2024. 

Every other year, the Wisconsin Academy Fellows Award recognizes researchers, mentors, artists, educators, and civic or business leaders from across Wisconsin. Being selected as a Fellow is the highest recognition conferred by the Wisconsin Academy. Fellows are honored for demonstrating exemplary levels of artistic, scientific, written (letters*) and service accomplishments, or a cross-disciplinary combination of these, in their careers; and for their dedication to civil discourse and public service that benefits the wellbeing of the people of Wisconsin. 

Meet the Fellows

*The letters category is broadly defined and meant to include writers, poets, storytellers, historians, lawyers, philosophers, and those who study or apply language to inform, inspire, or communicate ideas with others.




From Our Fellows

The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters 2024 Fellows Induction Gala, our signature, bi-annual event celebrating the creativity and achievements of sixteen outstanding Wisconsinites wh

Join us on Monday, June 5th from 5-8:00pm at Olbrich Botanical Gardens (3330 Atwood Ave., Madison, WI 53704) as we celebrate the 2020 class of Wisconsin Academy Fellows, Wisconsinites with extraord

Photo of Ruth DeYoung Kohler II

Ruth DeYoung Kohler was a long-time supporter of the Academy and its arts programming.

John D. Lyons and his son, Eric, seining a Mississippi River backwater near Cassville for Asian carp in 2007.

It never occurred to me to ask why we have laws to protect rare fishes—or rare species of any animal or plant—in Wisconsin if that species is common elsewhere.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25