Registration & Privacy Policy |
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Registration & Privacy Policy


The Wisconsin Academy is pleased to offer attendees the capacity to register in advance to secure in-person or digital space for many of our events. Advance registration allows us to manage our resources effectively. We may not always be able to accommodate as many attendees as are interested, so your individual registration helps us plan accordingly. The Academy also depends upon donations and memberships to ensure we can continue to welcome everyone and anyone who wants to explore the best of Wisconsin thought and culture. Please consider making a donation to the Wisconsin Academy or becoming a member. Academy members receive discounts on events for which there is a fee to register. By registering for an Academy event, you will be added to our e-mail list. If you do not want to receive future e-mails from the Wisconsin Academy, you can choose to opt-out at any time. We do not share or sell any personal or contact information. 

How to Register

Many events we post on this website will have a registration option on the bottom of the page. Please indicate the number of registrations you wish to secure and enter your contact information to confirm your seats. You will receive a confirmation e-mail about your registration that includes some event information and notes about travel.  Please note that your e-mail address will be used for correspondence about this and other Wisconsin Academy events and exhibitions. If you have questions about your registration, would like to modify or cancel your registration, or wish to be removed from the Wisconsin Academy e-mail list, please contact Operations Manager Matt Rezin at 608-733-6633 x10. 

Thank you and please enjoy our events. 

Contact Us

Follow Us

Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25