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healthy aging

Madison Children’s Museum, just off the bustling Capitol Square downtown, is a frenzy of sights and sounds. On a typical day, young children squeal with delight as they explore exhibits and hands-on activities.

While organ and muscle atrophy is a natural part of getting older, research shows that there are many community-based prevention programs and other ways in which to improve overall physical health and reduce the risk of falls.

Why is it so important to get a good night's rest? Could you be suffering from sleep apnea or another sleep disorder without even knowing it?

Featured speakers at this talk, the first of the 2012 Wisconsin Academy Age On Series in Menasha, are Susan H. and John T. McFadden.


How can we prepare for the difficult decisions and conversations surrounding end of life decisions? In the second presentation of the Wisconsin Academy's 2012 Age On!

In the last of the 2012 Age On! Series of free Academy Evening talks in Menasha, WI, Dr. Neil Binkley discusses new research involving vitamin D and osteoporosis.

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Madison, Wisconsin 53726
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Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25