Powering Local Leadership 2019 - Day 2 | wisconsinacademy.org
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Powering Local Leadership 2019 - Day 2

Day 2 (Friday, January 25) Agenda

8:00-8:45am: Registration & Breakfast (Atrium & GBHH 1/2)

8:45-9:00am: Welcome (GBHH 1/2)

  • Jane Elder, Wisconsin Academy

9:00-10:30am: Session VI: Local Leaders Panel (GBHH 1/2)

  • Moderator: Sherrie Gruder, UW-Extension
  • Ernest Stevens, Oneida Nation 
  • Becky Glewen, City of Beaver Dam >>PDF Presentation
  • Seth Hoffmeister, Green Bay Sustainability Commission >>PDF Presentation

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45-11:15am: Session VII: Public-Private Partnerships (GBHH 1/2)

11:15-11:30am: Introduce Microgrid Tour and Lunch (GBHH 1/2)

11:30am-12:15pm: Tour of Gordon Bubolz Nature Preserve Microgrid

12:15-1:15pm: Lunch (Atrium & GBHH 1/2)

1:15-1:30pm: Adjourn & Prize (GBHH 1/2)

1:30pm (optional): Afternoon cross-country skiing or snowshoeing the trails at the Gordon Bubolz Nature Preserve


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