Day 1 (Thursday, January 24) Agenda
8:30-9:30am: Registration & Breakfast (Atrium & GBHH 1/2)
9:30-10:15am: Welcome (GBHH 1/2)
- Jane Elder, Wisconsin Academy
- Mandela Barnes, Lieutenant Governor >>Watch Video
10:15am-12pm: Session I: Spheres of Influence in Energy (GBHH 1/2)
- Moderator: Richard Heinemann, Boardman & Clark
- Lauren Azar, Azar Law >>PDF Presentation
- Tom Content, Citizens Utility Board >>PDF Presentation
- Troy Streckenbach, Brown County Executive >>PDF Presentation
12-1:30pm: Lunch (Atrium & GBHH 1/2)
1:30-3pm: Session II and III (concurrent breakouts)
Session II: Resilience (When Bad Things Happen to Good Communities) (GBHH 3)
- Moderator: Megan Levy, Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation
- Aurora Conley, Bad River Tribe & Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters
- Keith Reopelle, Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change >>PDF Presentation
- Jeff Thomas, Public Service Commission >>PDF Presentation
Session III: Preparing Your Community for Electric Transportation (GBHH 1/2)
- Moderator: Jane McCurry, RENEW Wisconsin >>PDF Presentation
- Ashwat Narayanan, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin >>PDF Presentation
Jeff Springer, Dairyland Power Cooperative >>PDF Presentation
Peter Skopec, WISPIRG >>PDF Presentation
3-3:30pm: Break
3:30-5pm: Session IV and V (concurrent breakouts)
Session IV: Clean Energy, Equity, & Jobs (GBHH 3)
- Moderator: Sherrie Gruder, UW-Extension >>PDF Presentation
- Nick Hylla, Midwest Renewable Energy Association >>PDF Presentation
- Michael Troge, Oneida Nation >>PDF Presentation
- Marie Donahue, Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Session V: Getting to 100% Renewable Energy: The Utility Connection (GBHH 1/2)
- Moderator: Gary Radloff, The Radloff Group
- Jeff Feldt, Kaukauna Utilities >>PDF Presentation
- Deb Erwin, Xcel Energy >>PDF Presentation
- Nancy Moore, City of Monona >>PDF Presentation
5:15-7:15pm: Evening reception (with light dinner buffet, refreshments, and live music by Madison Red and The Band That Time Forgot) (GBHH 1/2)