As my mother tells it,
when the Great War
my Great-Grandmother
Guarneschella lied. Dates
are relative.
wouldn’t be 16. Wouldn’t be
conscripted. Didn’t matter.
Ran away
with his cousin
to the front at 14. Earned him
a bayonet gash
he would boast
a lifetime later. No one else
in his unit
survived. Once,
I touched that smooth
in his right shin,
looking, wondering
all the while
what he
could not tell us.
When the Great War
Honorable Mention 2017 Poetry Contest

Dominic W. Holt (he/him) is the coordinator of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) — a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) — and a stakeholder engagement and policy coordinator with the DNR Bureau of Environmental Analysis and Sustainability.
Contact Us
Wisconsin Academy Offices
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633
James Watrous Gallery
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25