Dominic W. Holt (he/him) is the coordinator of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) — a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) — and a stakeholder engagement and policy coordinator with the DNR Bureau of Environmental Analysis and Sustainability. Dominic has over 20 years of experience in public policy and outreach on a range of issues, at the national and state level.
In his free time, Dominic is a poet and writer. He interned at the Michigan Quarterly Review and was awarded a Javits Fellowship in creative writing from the U.S. Department of Education. His work has appeared in Miami Herald, Wisconsin People & Ideas, Lunch Ticket Literary Art Journal, Hummingbird: Magazine of the Short Poem, Plainsongs, Stoneboat Literary Journal, The Driftwood Review, Lifeboat, Poetry Quarterly, International Human Rights Art Festival PUBLISHES, Simple Machines, and elsewhere.
Dominic holds a B.S. in astrophysics (Phi Beta Kappa) from Indiana University – Bloomington, as well as a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and a Master of Social Work in social policy and evaluation from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.