Wisconsin People & Ideas 2021 Fiction and Poetry Contest Reading | wisconsinacademy.org
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Wisconsin People & Ideas 2021 Fiction and Poetry Contest Reading

Contest winners photos and logo
October 28, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
• • Virtual
Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm



Wisconsin People & Ideas, our quarterly magazine of contemporary Wisconsin thought and culture, presents a special Wisconsin Book Festival reading featuring the winners of our statewide Fiction & Poetry Contests, hosted by editor Jason A. Smith. No need to register; you can join the event at: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/wbf-wi-people-ideas-2021. Before the event begins, you will see a countdown and the event image. 

Fiction readings include:
  • 1st-place: "Honor Cord," by Allison Uselman
  • 2nd-place: "Everything Burns," by Kim Suhr
  • 3rd-place:"Protocol of Print," by Yvette Viets Flaten
Poetry readings include:
  • 1st-place: "The Father" and other poems by Jennifer Fandel
  • 2nd-place: "Saint Simone" and other poems by David Southward
  • 3rd-place: "Let My Hands Too Bring the Day" and other poems by Paula Schulz

Join us in celebration and support of Wisconsin's creative writing community! For more information contact event host and Wisconsin People & Ideas editor Jason A. Smith.

This reading is presented by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters in partnership with the Wisconsin Book Festival, with support from Wisconsin Public Radio and Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts. Learn more about how to submit your work to our annual fiction and poetry contests here.



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Jennifer Fandel is the first-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2021 Poetry Contest.

Paula Schulz is the third-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2021 poetry contest. She has taught grade pre-K through college. Schulz has been involved in many ekphrastic projects and lives and writes in Slinger with her husband, Greg.

David Southward is the second-place winner of the 2021 Wisconsin People & Ideas Poetry Contest. He teaches in the Honors College at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His publications include Bachelor’s Buttons (Kelsay Books 2020) and Apocrypha, a sonnet sequence based on the Gospels (Wipf & Stock 2018).

Kim Suhr is Director of Red Oak Writing and author of Nothing to Lose (Cornerstone Press, 2018). She leads critique groups, teaches craft & publishing workshops, and provides manuscript critiques and coaching for individual clients.

Allison Uselman is the first-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2021 Fiction Contest. She was born, raised, and currently lives in Madison. Uselman attended Augsburg University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she graduated in 2019 with a degree in English and with a studio art minor.

Yvette Viets Flaten has degrees in Spanish and history from the UW–Eau Claire. She writes fiction and poetry. Her poetry has appeared in the Wisconsin Academy Review, Hurricane Alice, Avocet, Free Verse, Midwest Review, Red Cedar, Barstow and Grand, and The Writer’s Almanac Pandemic Poetry Contest.

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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25