Photo Essay |
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Photo Essay

Rushing flood waters carried off large pieces of asphalt and a gate near Glen Marshall Farm on Hwy P in Spring Coulee. Photo by Jon Lee.

For Driftless farmers, the question is not if they will see another flood but when.

I like to think of my pursuit of a new kind of portraiture as a one-man crusade against those false 17th century court paintings and vainglorious images of business titans and corporate board members.

Tiffany M. Dutcher • Highway 51 and Hoepker Road – Dane County. Photo by Thomas Ferrella.

Roadside memorials are everywhere. Yet few people see them for what they are.

All photos copyright © 2018 by Adam Ryan Morris. No reproduction without permission.

The artists, designers, and craftspeople of Olympus Group in Milwaukee.

The Meals on Wheels program supplies both physical and emotional sustenance for volunteers and recipients alike.

All images copyright © 2017 by Lois Bielefeld. No reproduction without permission.

In terms of attendance, compensation, and overall media presence, women’s sports are almost always eclipsed by those of their male counterparts.

Amy Fichter, Black Tern (Chlidonias niger surinamensis), Holga 120N, Fuji Pro 400H, 2015. Specimen courtesy of the Milwaukee Public Museum.

Menomonie artist Amy Fichter’s avian meditation on what we are losing—and what we have lost.

Wide Eyed is intended to be a breathing body of images, a space to bounce and veer and double back while maintaining the sensation of being in a place of familiarity without specificity.

Along the Yellowstone Trail, text over an image of a map

Over a two-year period, I walked the 480-mile Yellowstone Trail through Wisconsin in an effort to understand the state of the State—and the Union.

I admit it—I’m nosy. I’ve always been fascinated by people’s habits and personal spaces, and what they reveal. There are things we all do: eat and sleep, for example.

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