Your path to cleaner, greener energy ... |
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Your path to cleaner, greener energy ...

... starts with knowing your provider:

Investor-Owned Utilities


  • Investor-owned utilities, or IOUs, provide 83% of retail electricity sales in Wisconsin.*
  • These private, for-profit utilities are owned by shareholders, not exclusively in the service area.
  • Their business model is to provide a return on investment.
  • IOUs are regulated by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

Municipal Utilities


  • Municipal utilities, or munis, provide 11% of retail electricity sales in Wisconsin.*
  • These public, nonprofit utilities are owned by local units of government within a generally dense service area in cities or villages.
  • Their business model is to provide at-cost electricity rates.
  • Munis are regulated by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

Cooperative Utilities


  • Cooperative utilities, or co-ops, provide 6% of retail electricity sales in Wisconsin.*
  • These private, nonprofit utilities are owned by their members within the service area, which is typically rural.
  • Their business model is to provide at-cost electricity rates.
  • Co-ops are self-regulated by an elected board of directors.

*2016 EIA data of retail MWh

I don't know/I can't remember the name of my electric utility.

The specific electric utility that serves you and what type it is (IOU, muni, or co-op) determine the ways you can engage. Click on the buttons below to learn about which utility and model serve you.


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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25