Writing Wisconsin's Climate | wisconsinacademy.org
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Writing Wisconsin's Climate

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

While everyone in Wisconsin has a story about an epic blizzard or a harrowing thunderstorm, it can be challenging to tell stories about changes to our climate over time. We come to understand the world around us through stories. This is especially true for phenomena we may not think about every day that still has a huge effect on our lives, such as climate change. In this Academy Talk, UW-Madison journalism scholar and science communicator Sharon Dunwoody examines the ways in which stories give meaning to our world by exploring the evolution and influence of stories about climate change. 

The Wisconsin Academy is looking at our state through the lens of writing. Under the theme “Writing Wisconsin’s Future,” we are hosting a series of talks and articles in Wisconsin People & Ideas by and about poets, fiction writers, scholars, administrators, and journalists whose writing can help us imagine a brighter future for Wisconsin.

Recorded at the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center Auditorium.


Sharon Dunwoody was a professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UW-Madison. In addition to being an internationally recognized scholar of science communication, she also spent more than 30 years training both journalists and scientists in building effective science messages for general audiences.

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