Hosted by the Wisconsin Academy, "Wisconsin Forests as Climate-Critical Lands" brings together Fred Clark (Executive Director, Wisconsin's Green Fire) and Don Waller (J.T. Curtis Professor of Botany - retired, UW-Madison) to discuss how to leverage nature-based solutions in forests to foster continuous growth for maximum carbon storage and ecological complexity.
The Academy's Spring 2021 Climate & Energy Series continues to explore the ideas of the Fall 2020 Environmental Breakfast Series, Steps to Transformative Change. In the Climate & Energy Series we=explore how Wisconsin leaders are moving beyond incrementalism to transformational action at the intersections of climate, public health, and environmental justice. These conversations are designed to foster discussion and peer learning among experts, practitioners, and climate-concerned citizens regarding local solutions to global environmental challenges. Join us for these virtual discussions to build a collective sense of purpose, knowledge, and action as we face the many challenges of our time. See our archive of previous series presentations here.
DOWNLOAD: A PDF of Fred Clark's Presentation
DOWNLOAD: A PDF of Don Waller's Presentation