Raising Creative Kids | wisconsinacademy.org
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Raising Creative Kids

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

How are we cultivating creativity in the next generation? Watch the Wisconsin Academy-hosted discussion with three leaders in Wisconsin's early childhood and K-12 education fields:

  • Tony Evers, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Deborah Gilpin, President/CEO, Madison Children’s Museum
  • Ruth Maegli, Chief Academic Officer, Milwaukee Public Schools

Recorded at Overture Center for the Arts in Madison on February 28, 2017, this is the fourth talk from the Academy-led Wisconsin Creativity Initiative. Developed by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters in partnership with the Wisconsin Arts Board, Arts Wisconsin, and the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the Wisconsin Creativity Initiative seeks to examine the elements of a creative economy that make the most sense for Wisconsin, and the ways we can harness these elements to make our communities and our state stronger. Our aim for the Wisconsin Creativity Initiative is to change the conversation about the power of creativity to improve Wisconsin’s economy, educational systems, and quality of life.


Dr. Tony Evers was elected Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction in April 2009 and re-elected in 2013. With over three decades of public education experience, Evers has dedicated his life to advancing public education in Wisconsin.

Deborah Gilpin was appointed President & CEO of the Madison Children’s Museum (MCM) in July 2013.

Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) Chief Academic Officer (CAO) Ruth Maegli has worked as a teacher, principal and district administrator in MPS for more than 25 years. Before becoming CAO, Maegli was the districts’ Chief Innovation Officer (CIO).

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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25