Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu for Indigenous-led Adaptation Planning | wisconsinacademy.org
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Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu for Indigenous-led Adaptation Planning

Climate & Energy Series
Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:15pm

Indigenous knowledges and perspectives are not commonly recognized in climate adaptation planning focused on natural and cultural resource management. The Tribal Adaptation Menu (TAM) was developed by a diverse group of collaborators representing tribal, academic, intertribal, and government entities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, to help engage tribal and traditional values in climate adaptation planning. It provides a framework to integrate indigenous and traditional knowledge, culture, language, and history into climate adaptation planning processes such as the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science Adaptation Workbook. The TAM may be used as a tool to help bridge communication barriers for tribal and non-tribal persons or organizations interested in indigenous approaches to adaptation and the needs and values of diverse tribal communities.

Our 2022 Climate & Energy Series continues to explore how Wisconsin leaders are moving beyond incrementalism to transformational action that communicates clear messages. These conversations are designed to foster discussion and peer learning among experts, practitioners, and climate-concerned community members regarding local solutions to global environmental challenges. Join us for these virtual discussions to build a collective sense of purpose, knowledge, and action as we face the many challenges of our time. See our archive of previous series presentations here.


Thanks to Academy donors, members, and the following Climate & Energy Series sponsors:


Kristen Schmitt is a climate change adaptation specialist working with the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science. She works with a variety of partners to create new tools and to plan and execute trainings that help natural resources professionals and others integrate climate change into their work.

Sara Smith is a citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and is the Midwest Tribal Resilience Liaison with the College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute (CMN-SDI), in association with the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (MW CASC).

Hilarie is a climate biologist with the 1854 Treaty Authority, an inter-tribal natural resources agency governed by the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa and Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

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