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The Wisconsin Idea

Robert Gard visits with farmers on May 9, 1955. Gard traveled across the state (note the Wisconsin Idea Theater logo painted on the side of his truck) to promote and cultivate the theatrical arts in rural communities. Gard was a well-known figure in Wisconsin through his travels as well as his WHA-Radio program, and later WHA-TV program, “Wisconsin Is My Doorstep.”  UW Digital Collections/ID S15183

Imagine a theater whose walls are the boundaries of the State of Wisconsin, whose stage is as large as all the stages in the state put together.

Barbara Kettner, "Baling in August," 2015. Watercolor on paper.

The Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP) has been changing the lives of Wisconsinites both rural and urban since 1940.

When the winds of change are in the air, it’s a good idea to gather one’s extended circle—especially the wisdom-keepers and those who understand our history and how it shapes these times and the future.

Explore the history and future of rural arts in Wisconsin with two of its greatest leaders: Maryo Gard Ewell and Helen Klebesadel.

Before I joined the Wisconsin Academy staff last fall, I believed it was rare to witness an individual experiencing an epiphany—a profound moment of insight, or the connection of dots that leads to a new way of looking at a problem.

As a result of the legislative “drafting error” that lead to the deletion of the Wisconsin Idea from the budget, millions of people now know about it. Or do they?


The foundations of the modern day Transactions lay in the very first publication of

The Pro Are Quartet today: Sally Chisholm, viola; Parry Karp, violoncello;  Suzanne Beia, violin; David Perry, violin

“Four rational people conversing” was how the brilliant writer and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described to a friend in 1829 the genre of the string quartet.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25