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visual arts

Jon Horvath’s finely distilled photographs of everyday items evoke a meditative hush. His ongoing series Wide-Eyed embraces what he calls “photographic wandering,” exploring the complexity and intangible essence of the world around us.

As an artist, a teacher, and a mentor, Jerry Butler has dedicated himself to uplifting the Black community.

detail image of artwork by Ghanbarzadeh

Join Nina Ghanbarzadeh, Maureen Fritchen, and Wisconsin Academy staff to celebrate the opening of the exhibitions Tales of the Seated Cat and See Foam at the James Watrous Gallery. These paired solo exhibitions will be on view from November 1, 2024 through January 12, 2025.

Image detail of artwork: Pandemic Calligraphy

Nina Ghanbarzadeh’s art practice is rooted in the desire to share her personal experiences and understanding of the culture and history of Iran, where she was born. She often works with geometric patterns, calligraphic letters, clay, and the color turquoise, inspired by their importance in the history of Iranian art. “Living between two cultures (American and Persian)," says Ghanbarzadeh, "I find myself in constant translation. Culture is so much more than language. It is a shared visual sensibility, humor, music, rituals, past times, food, spiritual commonalities, shared history and understanding.  I draw inspiration for my art from all of this and from the limitations inherent in language. I search for the universal abstractions of lines, curves, dots that are the building blocks of the symbols that make any language and that help to describe a culture.”

Image of artwork by Maureen Fritchen, Obsession. Polyethylene foam 36xd 12 2023

Maureen Fritchen’s exhibition showcases the impact of consumerism on our environment. Fritchen uses industrial waste materials as her principal medium, repurposing non-biodegradable polyethylene foam (PE) used in a wide variety of packaging. While PE is technically recyclable, in practice there are very few options for collection and most PE ends up in landfills or the natural environment. The biomorphic shapes and forms Fritchen creates are beautiful and sensual, in bright happy hues of pink and turquoise. They are both alluring and disturbing.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25