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emerging ideas

Does your pet like music? The answer is: Yes. But not your music.

 doctoral candidate Alia Gurtov, professor John Hawks, and postdoctoral fellow Caroline VanSickle in the Biological Anthropology Lab at UW–Madison with casts of fossil specimens from hominins who lived 1 to 2 million years ago in Africa and West Asia. The three paleoanthropologists are members of the Rising Star Expedition that discovered Homo naledi, a new species of hominid that existed in South Africa hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago. Photo credit: Jeff Miller/UW–Madison Communications

Humans have descended from an evolutionary branch that includes divergent species such as Australopithecus africanus, which lived around 3 million years ago, and Homo erectus, which lived around 1.5 million years ago.


To step into a leadership role in clean energy and climate solutions, we

The green roof on MMSD's headquarters in downtown Milwaukee

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is a regional government agency that provides water reclamation, flood management, and other services for about 1.1 million customers in 28 communities in the Greater Milwaukee area.


The Cooperative Regions of Organic Producer Pools (CROPP) is a farmer-owned and -governed cooperative that produces and markets organic food under the


As a healthcare organization, it is our responsibility to not only take care of our patients in a hospital or clinic, but to help our patients and communities stay well,” says Gundersen Health System CEO Dr. Jeff Thompson.

Kathy Mehls is a retired high school guidance counselor from Chippewa Falls with an abiding love of birds and the outdoors.

Driftless Area farmer Vince Hundt's pasture-grazed cows gather under Shade Haven.

A new tool for rotational grazing takes advantage of an ancient principle.

Leslie Lemke sits at the piano

On a warm summer night in June of 1980, Leslie Lemke gave a piano concert in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. That concert was my introduction to an extraordinary man and his surprising talent.

One of the rewards of working at the Wisconsin Academy is being able to play in the same pool with some of the leading thinkers from across the spectrum of the sciences, arts, and letters as they wrap their heads around

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