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ecological conservation

Birds and Water with Hillary Thompson and Danielle Washington.

Join Hillary Thompson, Whooping Crane Project Manager at the International Crane Foundation, and Danielle Washington, Program Manager at Community Water Services, for an insightful talk on the importance of clean and healthy water for waterbirds a

Last Glacier Page Turning Video Image

The Last Glacier collective has created two monumental artists’ books  that feature their original woodcut prints and photographs.

ROMO Page Turning Video Image

The Last Glacier collective has created two monumental artists’ books that feature their original woodcut prints and photographs.

Franklin Schmidt, May 3, 1935. Photo courtesy of the Aldo Leopold Foundation  and The University of Wisconsin–Madison Archives (ID S14477).

Schmidt Maple Woods were formative to the life and career of the youngest member of the family, Franklin Schmidt, who grew up to become a pioneer in the field of game management.

If climate change was the star of the recently concluded Paris Climate Conference (COP21), ecology played a key supporting role.

Among the largest butterflies in the world, the blue morpho is severely threatened by deforestation of tropical forests and habitat fragmentation. Yet these and other tropical butterflies may hold the key to discovering pharmaceuticals that will benefit humankind.

Zoologist and Academy Fellow Allen M. Young reveals the delicate evolutionary dance between tropical butterflies and plants.

My underwater encounter with Caribbean reef sharks, Nassau, Bahamas.

I looked over the edge of the boat at the slim shadows schooling below. Beneath the crystal blue water I could only make out their forms. Their shape, number, and the way they swam over and past one another reminded me of a bucket of minnows.

In the waters of Green Bay, a forty-year effort involving many stakeholders is balancing the needs of a modern shipping industry with the preservation of shoreline bird habitat.

Earnest at Snowbank Lake.

Earnest leaned over the edge of the boat, trying to catch a glimpse of his rod and reel which were lying 20 feet down on the bottom of Snowbank Lake.

I’ve spent much of my professional life in Wisconsin working on water and related natural resources science and policy issues.

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Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25