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In Part I of the Wisconsin Academy's "Perspectives on a Post-9/11 World" Academy Evenings event on September 11, 2011, John W. Hall (UW-Madison Ambrose-Hesseltine Professor in U.S.

Writing is a gateway to insight and wisdom, and Wisconsin needs both these days.

In the quest for offering limitless choice, digital marketers and programmers have enabled our retreat into a tribe of one, a singular profile to which all messages can be specifically tailored.

As the dust was settling from the Democratic and Republican National Conventions at the end of the summer, a friend of mine excitedly posted on Facebook, “I actually heard the word citizenship used!” While I can’t recall how many other people “Lik

In Part II of the Wisconsin Academy's "Perspectives on a Post-9/11 World" Academy Evenings event on September 11, 2011, three panelists reflect on the meaning of citizenship in America: Charles Cohen, UW–Madison professor of histo

In Part I of a special series of Academy Evenings talks entitled "Understanding Immigration," UW–Madison history professor Thomas Archdeacon examines immigration in our nation's history and how it compares and contrasts with immigration today.


In Part II of the Wisconsin Academy's special "Understanding Immigration" series of Academy Evening talks, Jose Olivieri, an immigration attorney with Michael Best & Friedrich in Milwaukee, discusses the impact of immigration—


In Part III of the Wisconsin Academy's special "Understanding Immigration" series of Academy Evening talks, Benjamin Johnson, executive director of the American Immigration Law Foundation in Washington DC, looks at the impact of i


In Part IV of the Wisconsin Academy's special "Understanding Immigration" series of Academy Evening talks, Tamar Jacoby of the Manhattan Institute addresses immigration issues and solutions.

What role do individual voters play in the current presidential election campaign?

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