Fiction & Poetry Contests |
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Fiction & Poetry Contests

Since 1994, Wisconsin People & Ideas magazine has sponsored the premiere annual fiction and poetry contests for Wisconsin writers. The contests are open to all Wisconsin residents and students age 18 and older.

Since 1994, Wisconsin People & Ideas magazine has sponsored the premiere annual fiction and poetry contests for Wisconsin writers. The contests are open to all Wisconsin residents and students age 18 and older.

We sit on the veranda at assisted livinglooking across the fake pond at the trees.Their reflections shiver as a breeze ripplesthe murky surface of the water. You speakof rivers and creeks and how all things

There are tubes sticking out of his body,his body cannot process his wastinganymore and I ask his body if its sick of beinghis body,what would itbe if it were not hisbody? His body fires

I called 99 namesand the wind whispered yours through the west rib of my faith.

Through the east rib, our hands joined in prayer push out a newBeloved, could I lay you gently on my Butcher’s stone

Saukfield in late August gives up the ghost of summer with abrupt abandon. End of day temperatures drop with sudden coolness like an American Spirit extinguished in a leaf-clogged swimming pool. Not much of a swimming pool... 

Wisconsin People & Ideas, the Wisconsin Academy’s magazine of contemporary Wisconsin thought and culture, presents a Wisconsin Book Festival reading featuring the winners of the statewide 2024 Fiction & Poetry Contests. 

ache index high at the marsh today

one caddisfly larva in its jeweled casedrowns stop all the clocks

sinks millennia into sedimentreminds me of tortured and hanged girl

A monarch butterfly perches on milkweed.

It was the first day of seed collecting at Weber Marsh, and Andy was at the barn early to intercept any overeager volunteers. He had already crossed this mid-September day off his desk calendar; only eight more Saturdays to go, after this one.

life isas if    Elizabeth Bishop wrote it,and the poem is on repeat repeat repeat:

loss, a violent form.loss, of violence formed.loss, a violation of form /


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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25