Birds and Astronomy |
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Birds and Astronomy

September 22, 2024 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Newport State Park • • Ellison Bay
Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Newport State Park
475 County Rd NP
54210 Ellison Bay , WI

Join the Academy for a special evening learning about migratory birds and stargazing at Newport State Park in Door County. Amanda Tokuyama, GIS & Field Data Manager with the Urban Ecology Center will help unravel the mystery of bird migration. She will answer such questions as: Why do birds migrate? How do they find their way? What can people do to help migratory bird populations in Wisconsin? Why do songbirds migrate at night? And…do birds really use the stars to migrate?

Newport State Park is an internationally recognized Dark Sky Park, an honor given to land possessing an exceptional or distinguished quality of starry nights. After Amanda Tokuyama’s talk on bird migration, Dr. Robert Mathieu, Albert E. Whitford Professor at UW-Madison, will guide attendees through a tour of the night sky (weather permitting) and share stories about the constellations. As we observe the Milky Way and other features of the night sky, we will listen for migrating songbirds and imagine what it is like to navigate long distances using the stars to fly your way south.

Newport State Park
475 County Rd NP
Ellison Bay, WI 54210

Talk: 7:00pm-8:00pm

Stargazing: 8:00pm-9:00pm


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Birds and Astronomy is currently offered in-person only. 
There is a park admission fee. If you do not have a Wisconsin State Park annual vehicle admission sticker, you can purchase a one-day pass at the park entrance for $3-$11. For more information, visit the DNR's website here.


This event is part of the Birds and Beyond series.

Birds and Beyond is an exciting series from the Wisconsin Academy in partnership with the BIPOC Birding Club of WisconsinSouthern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, and Color in the Outdoors, set in Wisconsin’s diverse landscapes, taking place from August 2024 to March 2025 across various locations within the state. This immersive journey delves deep into the intricate world of birds and their connections to broader scientific topics, including water quality, conservation, climate change, and astronomy, as well as the arts and letters. This series will take place in four events in different regions of the state, with all events being live-streamed to a virtual audience, culminating in 2025 with a keynote presentation by esteemed naturalist Christian Cooper in Madison. In-person attendees will have the opportunity to go birding with the featured speakers in Wisconsin’s beautiful and birdy landscapes. These events will be inclusive and welcoming to both people new to birding from diverse communities, as well as longtime birders. Through Birds and Beyond, audiences are beckoned to forge interdisciplinary connections with Wisconsin’s avian inhabitants, fostering a deep-seated appreciation for the intricate web of life that encompasses birds, the environment, and humanity.




Thank you to our Birds and Beyond series partners, the BIPOC Birding Club of WisconsinSouthern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, and Color in the Outdoors.






Thank you to our Birds and Beyond series sponsors, the Joy Trip Project, the Powers-Wolfe Charitable Trust, the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, the Feminist Bird Club, the Wisconsin Society for OrnithologyGathering Waters, Nancy Heiden, Anonymous, Jay Handy, and Dr. Robert Mathieu and Margaret Brauer.

Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin.Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum    FBC: Feminist Bird Club   
 The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology  

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Robert D. Mathieu is the Albert E. Whitford and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Astronomy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a Wisconsin Academy Fellow. His research involves the formation and evolution of stars and the dynamics of star clusters.

Amanda Tokuyama is the GIS & Field Data Manager at the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Originally from southern California, she studied parasitology, urban ecology, and mammalogy at UCLA where she earned her Master's in Biology.

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Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25