8:00–9:00 am Registration & Breakfast
9:00–9:15 am Welcome
- Meredith Keller, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters
9:15–9:45am Morning Keynote: "Science, Uncertainty, and Policy"
Steve Ackerman, Wisconsin Academy Fellow, and Professor of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences at UW-Madison, will explore the cornerstones of science, uncertainty, and policy, and delve into questions like: What is science? What is the scientific method? Where does science end and policy begin? How is uncertainty a product of good science?
9:45–10:00 am Q&A: "Science, Uncertainty, and Policy"
10:00–10:15 am Morning Break
10:15–11:15 am Panel: "Shifting Currents: The State of Our Waters"
What is the data telling us about the health of Wisconsin’s waters? How have water safeguards changed over the last decade? This session will attempt to answer those questions by providing an overview of the Academy’s 2016 Shifting Currents Report, and presenting different perspectives on the state of Wisconsin waters through the expertise or scientists and policymakers across the state.
- MODERATOR: Stephen Born, UW-Madison Dept. of Urban Planning (Emeritus)
- Todd Ambs, Healing Our Waters Coalition
- Jane Elder, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters
- Sarah Geers, Midwest Environmental Advocates
- Erin O’Brien, Wisconsin Wetlands Association
11:15–11:45 pm Q&A: "Shifting Currents: The State of Our Waters"
11:45–12:45 pm Lunch & Afternoon Keynote: "Science, Policy & The Great Lakes"
- Commissioner Lana Pollack, International Joint Commission
1:00–2:00 pm Panel: "Science & Policymaking"
How do Wisconsin legislators, tribal leaders, and other policy-makers use scientific information to make policy decisions? A panel of tribal leaders, as well as current and retired Wisconsin state legislators, will share their experiences and insights on the role that science, data, and other information plays in the policy-making process in Wisconsin.
- MODERATOR: Rep. Fred Clark, Wisconsin State Assembly (Retired) and Forest Stewards Guild (Current)
- Sen. Janet Bewley, Wisconsin State Senate
- Sen. Dale Schultz, Wisconsin State Senate (Retired)
- Mike Wiggins Jr., Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Former Tribal Chairman)
- Patty Loew, UW-Madison Life Sciences Communication
2:00–2:30 pm Q&A: "Science & Policymaking"
2:30–2:45 pm Afternoon Break
2:45–3:45 pm Panel: "Can We Save Green Bay?"
For years, Green Bay has seen a growing hypoxic “dead zone” that puts area citizens, businesses, and ecosystems at risk. This panel of science and policy experts will discuss what the science is telling us about dead zones, phosphorus, algae, and cyanobacteria – and explore similarities and differences in grappling with phosphorus pollution in large Great Lakes watersheds with massive agricultural inputs.
- MODERATOR: Michael Kraft, UW-Green Bay Dept. of Politics & Environmental Affairs (Emeritus)
- Kevin Fermanich, UW-Green Bay Natural & Applied Sciences
- Bill Hafs, NEW Water / Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District
- Steve Galarneau, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
- Julia Noordyk, UW-Green Bay and UW Sea Grant
3:45–4:15 pm Q&A: "Can We Save Green Bay?"
4:15–4:45 pm Closing Keynote: "Water, Science, Policy & Ethics"
Science alone cannot ensure that our waters will be resilient and healthy. As a complement to science, ethics are a necessary ingredient in crafting sound water policies. This closing session will discuss the relationship between ethics, science, and policy, involving such questions as: How do ethics inform science and policy–and how do science and policy influence ethics? How is the relationship between water science, policy, and ethics changing? Is there a shared “water ethic” that we can all agree upon?
- Curt Meine, Aldo Leopold Foundation
4:45 pm Closing Remarks & Adjourn
- Meredith Keller, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters
7:00–8:30 pm Academy Talk: Science & Policy in Wisconsin (Marquee Theatre, Union South)
Register here for the Academy Talk.
- Steven Ackerman, UW-Madison Dept. of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences and CIMSS
- Steve Carpenter, UW-Madison Center for Limnology and Dept. of Zoology
- Patty Loew, UW-Madison Dept. of Life Sciences Communication