Wisconsin People & Ideas – Summer 2019 | wisconsinacademy.org
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Wisconsin People & Ideas – Summer 2019

In this issue: Milwaukee gets an arts hotel and Minocqua gets a tick-borne disease center. Veteran Milwaukee Journal reporter Paul G. Hayes examines the decline of a print-journalism giant, and ichthyologist (a person who studies and protects fishes and their habitats) John D. Lyons makes a case for protecting locally rare species. We meet the ecology pioneer and namesake of Schmidt Maple Woods near Eau Claire, and learn what Lake Superior would say if it could talk—or at least write on a chalkboard. Wauwatosa-based artist Sharon Kerry-Harlan opens up about her fabric and collage art, and the Wisconsin Writers Association Jade Ring Winners share their award-winning works with our readers. 

Issue Number: 

It seems these days that discussions of metrics and measuring success are humming around me like the mosquitoes in my garden.

John D. Lyons and his son, Eric, seining a Mississippi River backwater near Cassville for Asian carp in 2007.

It never occurred to me to ask why we have laws to protect rare fishes—or rare species of any animal or plant—in Wisconsin if that species is common elsewhere.

The day after I retired, the dominant source of news about Milwaukee and greater Wisconsin vanished.

Franklin Schmidt, May 3, 1935. Photo courtesy of the Aldo Leopold Foundation  and The University of Wisconsin–Madison Archives (ID S14477).

Schmidt Maple Woods were formative to the life and career of the youngest member of the family, Franklin Schmidt, who grew up to become a pioneer in the field of game management.

At first, the music sounded like some kind of Dixie funeral dirge.

In the kitchen are an empty egg carton and two packages of seeds, cilantro and basil, my favorite herbs. My plan is to start the seeds in the egg carton and have sweet little shoots to plant when it gets warm.

Kerry-Harlan in her home studio, 2019. Photo by TJ Lambert/Stages Photography.

Whether she’s working in textile, collage, or photography, Sharon Kerry-Harlan makes art that buzzes with life and energy.

The old woman shoved her fist deep into her mouth to stifle the harsh dry cough.

What can we learn about ourselves by looking at rocks?

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Phone: 608.733.6633 x25