You need to remind the mind over and over again
to come back to quiet,
to the dark hollows of where words and no words
are found, like hunting morels in a forest.
Be patient. It’s not an easy task.
The mind doesn’t want to
go there.
It would rather grab the handlebars of a ten-speed bike,
play catch, move.
We all never grew up. It’s hard to sit still once you know
the word recess. There could be a playground just out of mind’s eye.
The water faucet drips. The light flickers. The refrigerator hums.
There is always something to be done.
Do nothing.
Stand on the flatbed of a swing. Grab hold of the ropes.
Feel the itch of it in your hands. Blue overhead.
Clouds float like glacial ice in the sky sea.
Before you move,
stand still.