The Things We Did Not Bring |
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The Things We Did Not Bring

I don’t think I ever brought

my sotto to your voce, 
my custom to your fit,
my ultra to your marine.
I know you did not bring

your vice to my versa,
your soft shell to my crab,
your burnt to my umber.
We’re both to blame
for the meager flame

of our knock-down love,
with its instruction sheet
in six languages, none of which
we both spoke. We built
a three-legged table

incapable of holding dinner
or a place to play chess. Us,
the rogue king and queen.
I could have brought my check
to your mate. And you

could have brought
your desert to my island.
Perhaps if we had brought
sienna, we could have made
a warmer picture.

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The poems of Lisa Vihos have appeared in many poetry journals and anthologies. She is the third-place poetry winner in the 2024 Wisconsin People & Ideas Writing Contest.

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