Bloom to Birds |
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Bloom to Birds

I love how taking a moment to literally smell the flowers can be a simple joy, an existential experience—a way to boost your brain chemistry. I find it interesting and validating to learn how taking a moment to breathe is backed by science as a way not just to shift your immediate mental state, but prolong your life. In the heat of summer and the presidential election, this is useful to remember.

Simple, wonderful experiences belie deeper, lasting shifts.

This summer, the Academy brings you Birds and Beyond, a series that not only reveals the lovely creatures that animate our yards, parks, and waterways, but also explores the night sky by which they navigate and investigates the environments they rely on. This series—and the birds themselves—connect communities across the state through shared appreciation. Scientifically and metaphorically, birds inspire us.

We are also delighted to announce the winning works of the WP&I Poetry and Fiction contest, which showcases not only the sparkling abilities of Wisconsin writers, but also provides views from other perspectives. These works are moving and well crafted, each year introducing magazine readers to new voices and visions, possibly coming from a town or city readers have never visited. Exhibitions at the James Watrous Gallery provide this same opportunity—to connect and voyage.

How can watching birds, reading a poem, or looking at an artwork confront and tackle the divisions that are grabbing headlines in Wisconsin and nationwide? With the Academy, you are reminded of the talents and creative spirit within us all, and that you can find common ground and shared values, and experience joy with someone you might not otherwise meet. We are grateful to have you with us, and I look forward to exploring with you.


Erika Monroe-Kane is the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters. At the Wisconsin Academy, she leads efforts to connect people and ideas through art, science, and culture, fostering civil discourse and creative exploration across the state.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25