Moments in Greece |
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Moments in Greece

the laser brush we watched
burn soot off the gown
of an ancient kore

the Delphic light, sifted
through the nets of the gods
to fall on us

the molten remains, dark
and bitter, at the bottom of each
morning’s tiny cup

how, beside the piled fallen stones
of my grandfather’s home
in the mountain village,

my daughter and I kneeled on the grass,
reaching for one from the rubble,
something of him to carry home.

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Andres Potos is the recipient of three Outstanding Achievement Awards in Poetry from the Wisconsin Library Association, and the author of seven poetry collections. She has two other collections forthcoming in 2017 and 2018: Arrows of Light (Iris Press) and A Stone to Carry Home  (Salmon Poetry, Ireland).

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