Writing Memoir 3: Advanced | wisconsinacademy.org
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Writing Memoir 3: Advanced

Course Starts

April 11, 2023

Course Time (CST)

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Course Type


Course Ends

May 30, 2023

Course Cost


This course about writing memoir and other personal or family stories is designed for people who have taken one of Marja Mills’s earlier workshops, from “Telling True Stories,” and “Writing Memoir” to the current “Writing Memoir: Next level” courses.

Memoir writing offers a powerful experience: the chance to reflect on one’s life and to capture stories that otherwise will be lost. Undertaking memoirs or personal essays can be confounding, too. People with projects underway wrestle with fundamental questions. How do I write about difficult people and experiences without feeling I’m being unfair? Do I write about my whole life, or focus on one aspect or chapter of it? What about those things I don’t remember? In addition to these topics, we’ll cover how to infuse your writing with the personal observations and insights that make for the most compelling memoirs. Always, the emphasis in class is on writing with clarity, substance and style, and putting the stories you tell in context. We’ll go over the best ways to put your story into the world, if you want, by self-publishing or finding an agent and traditional publisher. Each class, we’ll devote considerable time to going over short, voluntary homework, with instructor and classmates offering constructive comments and suggestions.

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SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE: There is one (1) scholarship available for this course. Students of need are encouraged to apply through our Scholarship Application page.

QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS COURSE? Visit our FAQ page or e-mail Digital Services Manager Matt Rezin.

DISCOUNT FOR ACADEMY MEMBERS: Members receive a 10% discount Member Rate on this course (discount applied during registration). Not an Academy member? Choose the "Member Rate + Membership" option during registration to receive your discount rate. Academy Members receive discounts on courses, contests, and ticketed events, as well as an annual subscription to Wisconsin People & Ideas magazine.


Marja Mills is a journalist and bestselling author. She teaches and consults on writing projects.

Her memoir, The Mockingbird Next Door, was a New York Times bestseller. It tells the story of her friendship with Harper Lee and her sister Alice in their Alabama hometown. Mills was a news reporter and feature writer at...

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