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Todd Ambs

  • Resilient Wisconsin

Todd Ambs is the Director of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. For more than 35 years, Ambs has worked in the environmental policy field. From 2010 until becoming Director of Healing Our Waters in July, 2013, Ambs was President of the national conservation group River Network. Prior to that, he ran the Water Division for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for nearly a decade (2003-2010).

His extensive experience in both state government and nonprofit organizations includes serving as Executive Director of two statewide river organizations, Policy Director for the Ohio Attorney General, and Senior Policy Analyst for the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

Ambs was the lead negotiator for the State of Wisconsin during the development of the Great Lakes Compact. He has served on a number of water-related boards and commissions including the Great Lakes Commission, Great Lakes Protection Fund, and the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. Ambs currently serves on the Regional Administrative Council for the North Central Region Water Network,  Advisory Board for the Great Lakes Clean Communities Network, and on the Board of the Southeast Wisconsin Watershed Trust.

Todd graduated from Eastern Michigan University in 1980 with a BS in Political Science/Speech.


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