Michael Johnson | wisconsinacademy.org
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Michael Johnson

  • American Dream Series

Johnson currently serves as the President and CEO for Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County (BGC) and has made it a priority to ensure BGC continues to be a leader in youth development while enhancing partnerships to produce positive outcomes for young people and their families. In seven years as CEO, the Club has made some significant accomplishments. 

Johnson developed a bold, five-year $15 million plan that has resulted in more than doubling the number of children and families being served in Dane County, tripling the number of employees and growing the organization’s operating budget by over 185%. Through its partnership with MMSD, BGC’s AVID/TOPS program has produced graduation rates of over 90% for seven consecutive years, with more than 85% of their students (390 students) enrolled in local colleges and universities. This program is the largest public/private partnership in the Madison and Verona Area School Districts, and the only college preparatory program of its nature validated by third-party data from UW Madison.

Johnson is also leading the most cost efficient college preparatory program in the nation based on a study conducted by the University of Vermont and because of his leadership he was featured in a national televised commercial through Culver’s Frozen Custard which aired in 37 states across the United States. The commercial was also included in a video archive through History Makers where his work is being featured in the Library of Congress, Washington DC for African Americans who have made significant contributions to American life, solitary, and culture. Johnson has also worked closely with local businesses to create paid internship for more than 500 young people securing wages of $10-20 an hour and helping to ensure that young people are being exposed to both college and career pathways.

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1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


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3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25