Michael Corradini is chair of Engineering Physics and Wisconsin Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Corradini's research focuses on fluid flow and heat transfer as it applies to nuclear power systems. He holds appointments in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Institute of Environmental Studies; he worked at Sandia National Laboratories prior to 1981. He was elected a 1990 Fellow of the American Nuclear Society. In 1998, Corradini was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He also served as a presidential appointee in 2002 and 2003 as the chairman of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board. In 2004, he was appointed as a board member of the INPO National Accreditation Board for Nuclear Training and the National Council on Radiation Protection. In 2006, he was appointed to the scientific advisory board to the French Civilian Atomic Energy Agency. In 2006, he was also appointed to the USNRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.