The Madison Design Professionals workgroup was originally formed by Downtown Madison, Inc. (DMI) to serve as a resource in the development of a comprehensive Downtown Master Plan for the City of Madison. Tim Anderson, principal of Schreiber Anderson Associates and long standing member of the DMI board of directors, chaired this effort and assembled a team of talented planning and design professionals with expertise in architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban design, historic preservation, and real estate development to work pro bono on design visions for the future of downtown Madison. Their work is documented in the 2012 report “Design Visions for the City of Madison Downtown Plan.”
After their work on the downtown plan, this group assisted the Capitol Area Regional Planning Commission pro bono on a study for the Madison Bus Rapid Transit System, as documented in the 2014 report “Design Visions for Regional Transportation Corridors.”
Since 2014, the Madison Design Professionals Workgroup have continued to work pro bono on a transformative vision for expanding Law Park by decking over John Nolen Drive. Participating members for this project include (in alphabetic order): Tim Anderson, Lars Barber, Rodney Batiza, Margaret Boshek, Helen John, Arlan Kay, Fred Klancnik, Doug Kozel, Ed Linville, Dave Mollenhoff, Connor Nett, Mark O’Leary, Carol Richard, Larry Ryan, Mark Schmitz, Stephen Steinhoff, Miles Tryon, and Dan Williams.