Jad Daley is the Director of The Trust for Public Land’s Climate Conservation Program, and holds the Martha Wyckoff Fellowship. He coordinates The Trust for Public Land’s landscape-scale conservation initiatives and urban Climate Smart Communities initiatives as well as leads climate policy work, including as the founding co-chair of the Forest-Climate Working Group. From 2000 to 2008, he led the 22-state Eastern Forest Partnership, a joint federal advocacy effort from Mississippi to Maine. During that period, he also helped lead conservation efforts in the Northern Forest and Highlands Region. In these roles he helped to author two pieces of enacted federal legislation, the Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program and Community Wood Energy Program, led lobbying efforts to enact the Highlands Conservation Act (H.R. 1964), and served as founding Chair of the Friends of Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. Daley is a graduate of Peddie School, Brown University, and Vermont Law School where he earned an M.S.E.L. degree summa cum laude. He is also a competitive athlete, having represented the United States on four occasions in international duathlon (run-bike-run) competitions and twice finishing in the top 150 in the New York City Marathon.