Dipesh Navsaria | wisconsinacademy.org
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Dipesh Navsaria


  • Fellow
  • 2018
Letters, Science, Literacy

Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD is a pediatrician working in the public interest. He blends the roles of physician, occasional children’s librarian, educator, public health professional and child health advocate.  With graduate degrees in public health, children’s librarianship, physician assistant studies, and medicine, he brings a unique combination of interests and experience together.

He is an associate professor of pediatrics at the School of Medicine and Public Health, and a clinical associate professor of Human Development and Family Studies at the School of Human Ecology, both at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.  He has practiced primary care pediatrics in a variety of settings with special interest in underserved populations, and continues to practice in outpatient settings.  He also works regionally and nationally with Reach Out and Read, as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Committed to understanding how basic science can translate into busy primary-care settings via population health concepts and policy initiatives — and also be incorporated into transdisciplinary approaches across multiple sectors and schools of thought — Dr Navsaria aims to educate the next generation of those who work with children and families in realizing how their professional roles include being involved in larger concepts of social policy and how they may affect the cognitive and socioemotional development of children for their future benefit.  The various ways in which we can influence the environment around children and families — from the very micro to the most macro — to ensure they can flourish and thrive is at the heart of what he does.

In 2018, Dr. Navsaria was honored as a Wisconsin Academy Fellow.

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