Barry Radler |
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Barry Radler

Barry Radler is a social scientist whose research interests are survey research methodology and mass communication. With twenty years of experience in the behavioral sciences, he has worked with universities, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies. Radler has a practical understanding of the realities involved in the measurement, observation, and analysis of behavioral phenomena. Radler possesses a wealth of experience in applying new technology to the study of psychological and social phenomena. Before joining the Institute on Aging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Radler implemented an automated data entry system (using Optical Character Recognition scanning) for a publishing company's readership surveys. He also developed an online survey tool for UW-Madison, conducting a series of mode comparisons between mail and web-based surveys. He has delivered online research capabilities to several academic departments and provided consultation to private business. Currently, Radler is working with a technological metadata standard called the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) to develop better documentation for the Midlife in the United State (MIDUS) study.

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