Adam Wehling |
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Adam Wehling

  • LGS 2018

Adam Wehling is Dean of Agriculture, Energy & Transportation at Chippewa Valley Technical College. As a Dean at Chippewa Valley Technical College, Wehling has the opportunity to work with many programs that train students in agriculture, energy, construction and transportation.  Housed in the new Energy Education Center, renewable energy programs focus on solar-photovoltaic (PV), solar-thermal, wind, biofuels and geothermal. Wehling grew up on a dairy farm outside Fall Creek, WI, and was formally trained as an Agricultural Education Instructor where he taught twelve years in high school. Besides working at CVTC, Wehling and his wife own Cedar Bee Farm where they raise bees and sell honey, high-tunnel strawberries, free-range chicken and pasture-raised pork and have established 52 acres of wildflower pollinator habitat.

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