Why settle for white when your wedding gown could stop traffic? | wisconsinacademy.org
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Why settle for white when your wedding gown could stop traffic?

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 1:55pm -- Jody Clowes

Lon Michels promised--and delivered--a spectacular surprise for his opening reception July 7. Cued by a boombox playing the wedding march, ten women in brilliantly painted, incredibly flamboyant gowns parted the crowd of visitors to promenade through the gallery and station themselves around the Overture Center rotunda as living sculpture. (Well, nine women and one girl; Lon's partner Todd Olson's niece is just 12.)

It was a curious moment, both solemn and whimsical: the crowd fell silent while the procession made its way through the gallery, then burst into a crazy babble of talk and flashing cameras as everyone gathered around to admire. After half an hour the models were whisked away to change into street clothes, leaving us all feeling a bit sparkly and breathless. One can only take so much over-the-top gorgeous!


Jody Clowes is the director of the Academy's James Watrous Gallery and arts editor for Wisconsin People & Ideas magazine.

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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25