2021 Local Government Summit Speakers

As the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs, Kevin Bush oversees affordable housing and community development programs, including the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships program, the Housing Trust Fund, and CDBG Disaster Recovery funds, in addition to Department-wide energy and environmenta

Abigail Corso is the Chief Strategy Officer at Elevate. In this role, she oversees Elevate new program development including decarbonization projects for affordable housing, municipal technical assistance, and impact capital programs.

Maria Viteri Hart is a Principal of Nomad Planners, a climate change adaptation planning firm, and founder of Embed Climate, a social impact venture focused on climate literacy. She is an active member of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals.

Kelly Hilyard is the Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Middleton, WI. Before joining city staff two years ago, she worked with local governments around the state on climate, water, and agricultural issues with the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, & Letters.

Tyler Huebner was appointed by Governor Tony Evers to be a Commissioner at the Public Service Commission in March 2020, and was re-appointed by Governor Evers to a six year term which began March 2, 2021.

Mahanth S. Joishy joined City of Madison as Fleet Superintendent in 2017 after 16 years working in New York City government operations. He worked for NYC Parks & Recreation for 11 years managing vehicle repair, recycling, waste collection, and volunteer programs, and drafting the first-ever parks field manual, among other tasks.

Trevor Jung serves as Transit Manager for the City of Racine. In this role, Trevor acts as the City of Racine's liaison with the Federal Transit Administration, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and other transit-related entities.

As the Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change, Kathy aims to make it easy for local residents to make choices that help achieve our ambitious climate goals. Kathy has almost 30 years of experience helping businesses and residents adopt sustainable practices.

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison; Megan has spent more than a decade working with building energy efficiency both with the low-income weatherization program and with the Wisconsin State Energy Office (now known as the Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation).

Robert Montgomery, P.E., is a Principal Engineer at Emmons & Olivier Resources and is an adjunct faculty member of the UW-Madison Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Jeremy Orr grew up in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and discovered early on the importance of our natural resources. With that mindset came the exploration of more energy-efficient systems, groundwater protection, and the promotion of clean fuels in the transportation sector.

Joe Pater is the Director of the Office of Energy Innovation at the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. He started work in the energy efficiency industry in 2009 working as a project manager for Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corp implementing lighting and appliance programs.

Gary Radloff is the principal at The Radloff Group, a policy research and consulting firm. Radloff is a recently retired researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was the Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis for the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI).

Mr. Whitegull is an enrolled Ho-Chunk Nation member who has been employed by HHCDA for 24 years (the first 11 years as Modernization Coordinator and 7 years as the director of the combined Development and Modernization Division. For the past 7 year he has served as the Agency’s Executive Director). Mr.
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