Climate Passover |
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Climate Passover

Someday they will ask
What were they thinking?

When the car is hurtling
Off the overpass
Towards the river
What is the child in the backseat
Except doors and windows?

We bought a canoe
My husband and I
And set it just outside the window.
Sometimes, at night, we practice
How we will get the kids into it
If the river comes hurtling up and over
Past our doorstep.

I know what you’re thinking:
How silly this all is.
But here’s a window into
our thoughts:
It’s not really a canoe.
It’s just a big green prayer
For those too embarrassed to
Spell out
What they’re thinking
On the door
In lamb’s blood.


K.E. McCoy’s poems have appeared in Stoneboat Literary Journal, Speckled Trout Review, Riverbed Review, Willows Wept Review, and a few other journals without water-themed titles. She was a recent Pushcart Prize nominee and is a member of the Wisconsin Writers Association and the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets.

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Madison, Wisconsin 53726
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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25