Neil Whitegull |
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Neil Whitegull

  • LGS 2021

Mr. Whitegull is an enrolled Ho-Chunk Nation member who has been employed by HHCDA for 24 years (the first 11 years as Modernization Coordinator and 7 years as the director of the combined Development and Modernization Division. For the past 7 year he has served as the Agency’s Executive Director).  Mr. Whitegull has successfully planned and implemented many CIAP and NAHASDA modernization and development projects, including model-activity expansion of Blue Wing and Chakh-Hah-Chee community buildings, the construction of 18 Indian HOME multifamily units in Indian Heights, and construction of 36 multifamily residential units in Ho-Chunk Village (a combination of duplexes, town houses, and four-plexes). In addition he developed and managed construction of a new parks and play fields in the various Ho-Chunk Nation Communities.

Neil, is currently the Chairperson of the Great Lakes Inter-tribal Housing Association and Region 2 board alternate for the National American Indian Housing Council. In addition to this Mr. Whitegull serves on the Tribal WHEDA advisory board. He is also the lead facilitator of the Ho-Chunk Nation Supportive Housing Work Group. Neil is also a fair-weather Brewers fan. 


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