Climate-Critical Lands Briefing |
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Climate-Critical Lands Briefing

Identifying Priorities and Potential
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Climate change continues to be one of the most serious social, economic, and environmental challenges of our time. This is true globally, nationally, and in Wisconsin. Here at the Wisconsin Academy, our ongoing pursuit of  innovative, Wisconsin-focused climate and clean energy solutions leads us to the promise and potential of natural climate solutions and a special interest in climate-critical lands.   

On Wednesday, June 30th, we presented an online briefing on our Climate-Critical Lands Report. The report reflects our efforts with numerous stakeholders to reveal broad general agreement on what characterizes high-quality land carbon sinks; the value of incorporating co-benefits (such as biodiversity, water quality, and flood prevention) in prioritizing sites for protection; and the importance of centering equity in decision-making.

The work detailed in our report and briefing is the effort of numerous individuals representing a wide range of organizations, which  include state agencies, tribal organizations, nonprofits, and academia.  Their  collective synthesis  has allowed for a diverse and  more comprehensive  consideration. 

Read the report: Climate-Critical Lands Report

Presentation Slides: Climate-Critical Lands Briefing Slides

The Climate-Critical Lands briefing and report is brought to you with support from Wisconsin Academy members, donors, and the following series sponsors:


Jane Elder recently retired from her position as Executive Director of the Wisconsin Academy. She brought to the Wisconsin Academy a strong background in public policy leadership, nonprofit management, and involvement in Wisconsin arts.

Diane Mayerfeld is the senior outreach specialist for UW-Madison Division of Extension. She helps Extension agents and other educators learn about sustainable production practices such as rotational grazing, organic agriculture, and cover cropping; as well as sustainable social approaches such as community food systems.

Jeff Mears started as the WTCAC Executive Director on June 15, 2020 and is an environmental professional with more than 25 years’ experience in environmental, land, and natural resources program management.

Andy Stoltman has his M.S. in Forest Ecology and Management from UW-Madison. He works for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and is currently the Forest Economics and Ecology Section Chief in the Division of Forestry. He is perhaps most proud of having been one of the authors of The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin 

Wiesner received her M.S. in Hydrology in 2010 from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany. From 2011 through 2013 she worked abroad in Panama, working with the University of Potsdam and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

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