Austin Smith: Fiction & Poetry winners' live reading series |
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Austin Smith: Fiction & Poetry winners' live reading series

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Austin Smith reads his award-winning poems from the Wisconsin People & Ideas Poetry Contest.

Austin Smith grew up on a family dairy farm in northwestern Illinois. His poems have been widely published, and he has published three poetry chapbooks: In the Silence of the Migrated Birds; Wheat and Distance; and Instructions for How to Put an Old Horse Down. His full-length collections, Almanac and Flyover Country, were published through the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets.

This Facebook Live reading series is part of the 150th anniversary celebration of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters and our magazine, Wisconsin People & Ideas.

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Austin Smith grew up on a family dairy farm in northwestern Illinois. He received a BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MA from the University of California-Davis, and an MFA from the University of Virginia.

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