Wisconsin People & Ideas, the Wisconsin Academy’s magazine of contemporary Wisconsin thought and culture, presents a Wisconsin Book Festival reading featuring the winners of the statewide 2019 Fiction & Poetry Contests, hosted by editor Jason A. Smith. Fiction readings include the 1st-place story "Exile," by Steve Fox (Hudson), 2nd-place story "Spirit Box," by Nikki Kallio (Waupaca), and 3rd-place story "Mirror Box," by Michael Hopkins (Neenah). Poetry readings include 1st-place poem "Greyhound," by Robert Russell (Madison), 2nd-place poem "Morning's Detour," by Mary Wehner (Fond du Lac), and 3rd-place poem "Nineteen Forty-Five," by Jeri McCormick (Madison), along with other poems chosen by the award-winning poets.
This reading is presented in partnership with the Wisconsin Book Festival with support from Wisconsin Public Radio and Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts. Learn more about how to submit your work to our annual fiction and poetry contests here.