S.V. Medaris | wisconsinacademy.org
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S.V. Medaris

  • Gallery

S.V. (Sue) Medaris lives on a farm in the Driftless area of Southern Wisconsin with her family, and raises chickens, dogs, cats, peafowl, turkeys, and pigs from which she draws inspiration for life and art. After ten successful solo exhibitions in seven years, each of them focused on domestic animal husbandry (A One Chick Show, The Lives of Farm Dogs, The Whole Hog, and Corn-Fed, to name just a few), Sue is currently investigating historical changes in livestock rearing and rural life. Using various printmaking techniques for both large- and small-scale prints and artist's books, Medaris's work explores breed genetics, feed consumption, processing animals for meat, and how it affects our lives and the food we eat. Her work is concerned with our relationship with the animals we raise for consumption as well as those we care for in companionship.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25