Mary Rowin |
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Mary Rowin

  • Magazine

Mary C. Rowin’s poems have appeared in Bramble, the literary publication of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets and in Solitary Plover,newsletter of the Friends of Lorine Niedecker.  Mary’s poems have appeared recently in HummingbirdPanopolyOakwood Literary Magazine, The Drowning Gull and you are here, The Journal of Creative Geography.  Mary writes reviews and blogs about poetry and the creative process.  She is also a textile artist, tutors English as a Second Language, and is a docent and the UW-Madison’s Chazen Museum of Art.  Mary lives in Middleton, Wisconsin with her husband, and their seventeen-year old cat Rio, and blogs at

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25