Scott Straus |
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Scott Straus

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Scott Straus is associate professor of political science and international studies and director of the Human Rights Initiative at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His primary research interests include the study of genocide, violence, human rights, and African politics. Straus is the author of The Order of Genocide: Race, Power, and War in Rwanda (Cornell University Press, 2006), which received the 2006 Award for Excellence in Political Science and Government from the Association of American Publishers, and, with Robert Lyons, Intimate Enemy: Images and Voices of the Rwandan Genocide (MIT/Zone Books, 2006). He is also the co-editor with Lars Waldorf of Reconstructing Rwanda: State Building and Human Rights after Atrocity (forthcoming from the University of Wisconsin Press). He has published articles related to genocide in World Politics, Politics & Society, Foreign Affairs, Genocide Studies and Prevention, Journal of Genocide Research, Patterns of Prejudice, and the Wisconsin International Law Journal, and has received grants from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Harry Frank Guggenhem Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and the United States Intitute of Peace. In 2009, he was awarded the William Kiekhofer Distinguished Teaching Award. 

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