Thoughts of Lace |
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Thoughts of Lace

2010 Poetry Contest: Honorable Mention
Thoughts of Lace

The hope chest contains
what my mother wants

me to cherish
in the future—

lace curtains that lift
like a glove at the height of being

tossed; a substance bracing itself
with an absence.

The curtains are pressing
in neat squares at the scented heart of a trunk:

folded so that a rose-shaped hole
reinforces another rose-shaped hole, so that

every threadbare layer
eventually makes

an opacity.
In my mother's mind, a permanent sturdy rod

holds the imperceptible
work of needles.

Panels breathe
like starched diaphragms

in my future window. A supposed wind
bulges there & barely

in the mind,
lifting only half as far

as the mildest breeze: the least
sustainable of all gusts,

fickle & quick
to let the curtain fall,

whereas strong winds endure
all day, and the windows are closed anyway.

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