Gary Rhoades is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Arizona’s Center for the Study of Higher Education, where he has been a faculty member since 1986 and served as director from 1997–2009. From January 2009 to June 2011 he served as General Secretary of the American Association of University Professors in Washington, DC. Rhoades’ research focuses on the restructuring of professions and institutions in the academy, as well as on science and technology policy, and comparative higher education. In addition to his books, Managed Professionals (1998, SUNY Press), and Academic Capitalism and the New Economy (with Sheila Slaughter, 2004, Johns Hopkins University Press), Rhoades is now working on a new book, tentatively entitled, More (or less) Managed Professionals, updating his 1998 book with an expanded contract data base and a more explicit focus on the academic labor movement, at the national, state, and grass roots levels. In addition, he is beginning two additional books, one on strategic management, tentatively titled, Managing to be Different: From Strategic Imitation to Strategic Imagination, and the other on state public policy models in higher education.