Sylvie Rosenthal |
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Sylvie Rosenthal

  • Gallery

Sylvie Rosenthal (Madison) started building at age six at the Eli Whitney Museum where she made circuses, catapults, rockets, and robots. She received her BFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Woodworking and Furniture Design Program in the School for American Crafts, built two houses from the ground up with her mentor Doug Sigler, and received her MFA in sculpture from UW-Madison. Sylvie maintains a studio practice making furniture on commission, production work, and sculpture dealing with the intersecting flight patterns of the histories of trade, the intentional and unintentional transplantations that come with it, hybridity, materiality, queer theory, and the natural world.

Sylvie has been a visiting artist, teacher, and researcher at many schools, including San Diego State University, UW-Whitewater and UW-Madison, Penland School of Crafts (NC), Haystack Mountain School (ME), Anderson Ranch Arts Center (CO), Australia National University (Canberra) and Tainan National University of the Arts (Taiwan R.O.C.). She has shown at galleries and museums such as the Fuller Craft Museum (MA), the Mint Museum (NC), and the Museum of Art and Design (NYC). She also teaches the Fundamentals of Construction for Madison College’s Construction and Remodeling Program and is on the board of trustees of CERF+, The Artist’s Safety Net. 

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25